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Apply now: 2nd RMB-Student-Workshop in Portugal

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Apply now for the 2. RMB International Student Workshop in Coimbra, Portugal. It takes places from 6.-11. April 2018. The workshop topic is: “Reuse of Modernist Buildings: Coimbra Modern City today – from funtional buildings to community spaces”.

After the 1st RMB Student-Workshop 2017 in the region of Marl (Germany), now is the time to work in Coimbra, a historical university city in the centre of Portugal. In April 2018, the Reuse of Modernist Buildings (RMB) project, financed by ERASMUS+, is going to organize the 2nd RMB Workshop to rethink the urban areas developed according to the De Groer Urban Plan of 1940.

In 1955 de Groer and then Almeida Garrett proposed the expansion of Coimbra urban centre through the creation or consolidation of settlements in the first or second ring of the existing city. In this sense, Coimbra developed one neighbourhood for industrial activity and social housing in Pedrulha (north), and other for medium class housing, education and sports in Calhabé (south). These modern plans established in the 1940s and 1950s were built by a functional architecture for industrial, housing, educational buildings and for complexes to install the third sector services. These architecture is either out-dated, abandoned or in bad condition, or even in ruins, due to political, economic, and social changes. More and more, it is needed that most of these housing, educational and industrial project typologies will be re-evaluated, in order to understand its capacity to be adapted to current demands, needs and aspirations of the people, from neighbours to institutions.

Workshop themes \\ Triunfo Factory (Pedrulha) – facilities for Ano Zero Art Bienal 2018 \\ SAAL Neighbourhood (Pedrulha) – community areas for SAAL Relvinha \\ SOLUM Neighbourhood (Calhabé) – “Fourth” Tower, design the missing link \\ Bairro Norton de Matos Neighbourhood (Calhabé) – Community School \\ Fernão Magalhães Neighbourhood – Urban Block (housing, commercial)

Further Info For this workshop a total of 40 Master students will be selected, eight from each university, to form five different working groups. Each group will be constituted by students from the five partner universities of RMB project and tutors that will support the team work. Each international team will work on a specific architectural typology and will have a tutor from Coimbra, a second from one of the four other universities and one more from another field such as art, anthropology, engineering or geography. The students also have to participate, as start of the student workshop, in the RMB Conference – Design Colloquium, where the lectures and debates will take place in the two first days, 6th and 7th April 2018.

Application \\ A letter expressing the willingness and interest to participate – interest on reuse, on housing, school and industrial modern architecture (maximum: 300 words). The workshop is open for students, who are in one of the Detmold Masters programmes (MID | MIAD | MIAR | Master Städtebau NRW).

Scholarship\Financial support If you are one of the 8 selected students you get following grant: \\ Travel costs: 275,00 € \\ Excursion money: 150,00 € (for 8 days) \\ Free housing (in the workshop working area) \\ Meals at University canteen or at the accommodation place (RMB will offer the products to be cooked or prepared by the students) There are no extra fees to attend this workshop and the RMB Colloquium!

Contact Please send your application u to theresa.kellner(at) For more information on the workshop please contact: michel.melenhorst(at)



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