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3 years RMB

Updated: Mar 6, 2022

RMB reuse of modernist buildings started 3 years ago, first of September 2016. The EU granted RMB for 3 years, meaning we have come to the end of our first project phase. In this three years we prepared a 2 years Joint Master on the Reuse of Modernist Buildings. The results of our work so far: a curriculum, course descriptions, methodologies, a case study handbook, instructions on e-learning, workshop programs and workshop results, the conference proceedings of the three RMB conferences we, video recordings of keynote lectures,  podium discussions and, two magazines with RMB as guest-editor. These results  are all available for download at the EU Results Platform from October 1th 2019.

RMB will continue in the accreditation process for the new master and by continuing to organise all kinds of activities and events, such as workshops, trainings, lectures, excursions and exhibitions. A workshop was already held 15-21 September in Horn-Bad Meinberg Germany under the name of ´Kurkulturkur`, end of 2019 the Docomomo Journal 61 will be published with RMB  as guest-editor for this issue that is dedicated to -of course- the Reuse of Modernist Buildings,  with a special focus on education and the Bauhaus legacy.


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