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Paulo Peixoto


Institution: University of Coimbra Field of responsibility/ Role in the RMB project: content Field of specialization: Centre for Social Studies, Faculty of Economics

Paulo Peixoto is a research fellow at CES and an assistant professor in Sociology at the University of Coimbra, Faculty of Economics. He holds a PhD in Sociology by the University of Coimbra, and an M. A. and first degree also in Sociology by the same university. He is the Director of the Ensino Superior ­ Revista do SNESup (Higher Education Review). His research interests are on cities and urban cultures; heritage; tourism; urban exclusion and violence; higher education; and academic fraud. He published: A cidade e o turismo: dinâmicas do turismo urbano em Coimbra, 2012;  A água como património: experiências de requalificação das cidades com água e das paisagens fluviais, 2016; Fraude e Plágio na Universidade, 2016.


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