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Francisco Teixeira Bastos


Institution: IST- University of Lisbon Field of responsibility/ Role in the RMB project: Colaborator (Responsible for RMB8 Module) Field of specialization: Architecture

Education ·       Diploma in Architecture: Department of Architecture, Faculdade de Arquitectura de Lisboa, Portugal (1986)

·       PhD in in Architecture: Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon (2013)Professional

Francisco Teixeira Bastos is Assistant Professor of Architecture at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon and Partner of Atelier dos Remédios, Arquitectura e Renovação Urbana Lda, Lisboa.

Francisco Teixeira Bastos graduated in Architecture at the Faculdade de Arquitectura of University of Lisbon (FAUL, 1986) and has a PHD Architectural Degree from IST, Lisbon University (IST-UL, 2013). Also has a Post –Graduate BIM Course: Ordem dos Engenheiros, Portugal (2014).

He as professional practice since 1986. Worked with Manuel Vicente from, Both in Lisbon and Macau (1990-94) and one of two founders of the Atelier dos Remédios in 1997. Is practice within Atelier dos Remédios has been focused mainly in patrimony, habitation and school buildings and has received national architectural awards, such as Prémio Valmor 2011 and international nominations for several awards: WAN award 2013 for education, Archdaily 2014, AR Highly commended award in 2015. His work of the renewal of D. Leonor Higschool in Lisbon is presented in UNO website as a good practice for educational buildings.

Since 2000 start to combine his professional practice with teaching of Design studio Units in IST. Was invited to participate as a jury in several academic architectural competitions and to lecture at schools in Europe and USP, Brasil. His Interest in representation an communications of architectural project developed in Phd investigation, and in Design Process are central subjects, on is teaching, Master’s and Phd’s Thesis orientations.

Francisco is member of the Portuguese Committee for BIM normalization and president Subcommittee 1: Action Plan and BIM maturity (, member of The association for the resilience of Lisbon Region ( and O.A. member n 2646

Teresa is a registered Architect in Portugal with practice experience.2000 – …Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon

Teaching and ResearchTeachingLecturing and students supervising (Doctoral and Master Thesis)

·       -Assistant Professor (2013-…)

PublicationsBastos, F.; Costa, A. (2015) A IMPLEMENTAÇÃO DO ENSINO DO BIM EM PORTUGAL, Dossier BIM Construção Magazine 69, 2015, p. 28-34.

Bastos, F. (2014); A IMPORTÂNCIA DA TEORIA DA CONSTRUÇÃO NA COMUNICAÇÃO DE UM PROJECTO À OBRA EM ARQUITETURA – investigação em arquitetura, Construção Magazine 61, 2014, p. 26-30.

Heitor, T. Bastos, F. T. (2012) FROM LAB TO STUDIO: THIKING IN ACTION in Steino, N. and Ozkar, M. (2012) Shaping Design Teaching: Explorations into the teaching of form pp167-184, Aalborg University Press, Denmark)


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