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Teresa Heitor


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Institution: IST- University of Lisbon
Field of responsibility/ Role in the RMB project: Coordinator
Field of specialization: Architecture




 ·       Diploma in Architecture: (1980): Department of Architecture, School of Beaux Arts, Lisbon, Portugal (1982)

·       MA in Urban Design: Oxford Brooks University; UK (1984)

·       PhD in Territorial Engineering: Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon (1997)

·       Professorship in Architecture Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon (2007)




Teresa Heitor is the chair and Professor of Architecture at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon. She leads a research team specializing in Space-Use Analysis and Post Occupancy Evaluation, making use of a space-based approach to the modeling of human activity patterns know as “space syntax”. The prime focus of her research is on educational facilities and innovative learning environments. Scoordinate the research programme within the unit of Architecture, including encouraging staff to carry out research and providing support for that activity


Teresa has been involved with the Centre for Effective Learning Environments (CELE-OECD) activities in the filed of school building performance since 2005, collaborating with the Group of National Experts on Evaluation of Education Facilities (GNEEEF). She has coordinated the Portuguese participation in the International Pilot Study on the Evaluation of Quality in Educational Spaces (EQES-CELE Pilot Study, 2011).


Teresa is member of the Space Syntax Steering committee and was the chair of the organizing committee of the 11th international Space Syntax symposium (Lisbon 3rd-7th july 2017) (


Teresa is a registered Architect in Portugal with practice experience.


1987 – …Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon 


Teaching and Research


Lecturing and students supervising (Doctoral and Master Thesis)


·       Full Professor (2007-…) Architectural Msc and PhD Programmes

·       Associated Professor (2002-2007) Territorial Engineering BSc course and Architectural MSc programme

·       Assistant Professor (1987-2002)

·       Senior Lecture (1987-1997) Civil Engineering and Territorial Engineering BSc course




Bacharel, M. Heitor,T and Alegre, A. (2017)  SCHOOL-PLACE AS A COLLECTIVE URBAN ENTITY The case study of Lisbon: in (Heitor et alt, 2017 Proceedings of 11th International Space Syntax Symposium:


Cannas da Silva,L Heitor,T, Campos; P. (2017)   HOW EXCLUSIVE DO WE WANT TO BE? Exploring the university realm in the contemporary urban territory; n (Heitor et alt, 2017 Proceedings of 11th International Space Syntax Symposium:

Martins,C., Bacharel,M, Cannas da Silva,M and Heitor,T. (2017)   WANDERING, OBSERVING AND MAPPING. Understanding the geography of accessibility in the cultural landscape of Sintra, n (Heitor et alt, 2017 Proceedings of 11th International Space Syntax Symposium.


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