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Patrícia Lourenço




Institution: Tecnico, Lisbon University
Field of responsibility/ Role in the RMB project: Environmental Design. Design tools for sustainable transformations.
Field of specialization: Environmental and functional buildings’ sustainability. Buildings’ energy efficiency, focusing on user behaviour and user oriented design strategies.


Personal information

Surname, Name: Mendes Lourenço, Patrícia Isabel

Professional Adress: Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa

Contacts: (+351) 962 323 101| email: | Skype: cad_patricia

Internet pages: (Linkedin) 

Nationality: Portuguese

Date of birth: 15/12/1973


Work Experience


From september 2015

Invited teacher at Tecnico, Lisbon University in the integrated Master in Architecture (Architecture Project, 2nd Year)

From March 2011

Researcher at Ceris, Tecnico, Lisbon University.

Research on promoting environmental sustainability through user oriented design strategies. Informing the design project with buildings’ in use data. Main case studies: school buildings.

From 1999

Project coordination at Companhia de Arquitectura e Design.

From 1997 to 999

Architect at Sintra Municipality – Historical Centre Preservation


Management of urban rehabilitation public programs, development of technical specifications for historical buildings rehabilitation and conservation, construction works supervision. 


Education and training



PhD in Architecture. Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon University. Department of Architecture, Civil Engineer and Geo Resources.

(Thesis on User oriented strategies towards school buildings’ sustainability and energy efficiency.)



MSc. Master in Architecture and construction. Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon University, Department of Architecture, Civil Engineer and Geo Resources.

(Thesis on the economical and technical viability of re-adopting raw earth construction in Portugal) 



“Earthen Architecture” (professional training), UNESCO Program. École d’Architecture de Grenoble & Craterre 



Lic., Architecture, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa.


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