Uta Pottgiesser
case study book
Institution: University of Antwerp
Field of responsibility/ Role in the RMB project: Case Study Book
Field of specialization: Building Design and Construction
PROF. DR.-ING. UTA POTTGIESSER (*1964) is Professor of Interior Architecture at the Faculty of Design Sciences of the University of Antwerp, Belgium. She joined the faculty and the department of Architecture, Interior Architecture and Urban Studies in 2017 and is teaching in the master program of interior architecture and is a member of the Henry van der Velde Research Group. From 2004-2017 she has been Professor of Building Construction and Materials at the Detmold School of Architecture and Interior Architecture of Ostwestfalen-Lippe, University of Applied Sciences (HS OWL), Germany. Here she has been director and lecturer of the international programme ”Master of Integrated Design (MID)” which focusses on Facade Design and Computational Design. She was trained as an architect at TU Berlin, Germany, and graduated in 1991. After her degree, she worked as a practicing architect, for office, administration and public buildings. Her academic career started as research assistant at TU Dresden where she obtained her PhD in 2002 with the topic “Multi-layered Glass Constructions. Energy and Construction”.
Based on her multidisciplinary background in architecture, engineering and interior architecture her research is in the fields of building and facade construction, interior and user comfort dealing with creative problem solving and product innovation to improve human well-being in spatial contexts.
The research
Re-use of existing buildings and heritage: maintain building substance, improve overall building performance and the indoor environment and atmosphere in order to allow for new functions and/or users.
Space, communication, education and inclusion: identify, describe and evaluate the qualities of different urban and interior, public and private spaces and their spatial interrelations and impact to individual and social behaviour and communication as a mean to strengthen education and inclusion.
Innovative building components and technologies: develop new concepts or products to contribute to human well-being, orientation and mobility and to sustainability, energy saving and production.
Uta Pottgiesser is internationally active as a board member and reviewer of international journals (e.g. JFDE, JID, Strategic Design Journal), in PhD commissions and organiser of several conferences and seminars. Besides her academic career she acts as a jury member in architectural competitions. As Chair of the DOCOMOMO International Scientific Committee of Technology (ISC-T) she is concerned with the protection and adaptive reuse of Modern Movement Architecture. She is a co-founder of the European Facade Network (efn) and member of the Management Committee of COST Action TU1403 “Adaptive Facades Network”. She is editor of the book “Product Development in Architecture” (2013) and of the Docomomo publication on “Perceived Technologies of the Modern Movement 1919-1975 (2014). She has been teaching and lecturing in many international conferences and universities in Europe, North and South America and Asia and is co-author of more than 50 peer reviewed publications (https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/staff/uta-pottgiesser/publications/).