Miguel Amado
Institution: Tecnico, Lisbon University
Field of responsibility/ Role in the RMB project: Researcher with responsability in Scientific Outputs and Modules on adaptive reuse strategies and impact on energy performance and buildings sustainability. Have participation in the tasks: 01 – Curriculum; 05 – Scientific Outputs; 07 – Modules and e-learning course.
Field of specialization: Architecture, Sustainability and Environmental Design Strategies
Miguel Amado is Associate Professor with Habilitation in Architecture at Instituto Superior Tecnico at Universidade de Lisboa where he holds the teaching Design Studio in Master Course of Architecture. He is member of CERIS – Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability and also Coordinator of GEOTPU.LAB – Research Group on Spatial, Regional and Urban Planning, an interdisciplinary research group with the focus on development; spatial and urban planning; architecture; sustainable construction; energy and sustainability. Receiving is PhD in Environmental Engineering in 2004 on the Universidade NOVA of Lisboa. Previously obtained bachelor in architecture (1989), UNESCO MBA in Urban Centers (1996), Master in Urban Planning and Environment (1997) and Habilitation in Architecture (2015). Miguel Amado was recruited to the Dept. Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources of Instituto Superior Tecnico at the Universidade de Lisboa in 2016. He is author of three books – Planeamento Urbano Sustentavel (2004), Oeiras E-City (2014), Construção Sustentavel (2015), several books chapters and more than 80 scientific publications. He holds one patent and currently works in international projects in Europe, Africa and Asia continents. He is a member of the Standardization Technical Committees in Thermal buildings (CT 89 and CT151), Sectoral Commission for Construction (CS / 10) Quality of the National Council for the standardization project and CT171 Building Sustainability. Since 2004 he supervised 5 PhD students, 2 Pos-Doc researchers and more than 85 Master students. His expertise will cover the development of: i) innovation related to adaptive reuse strategies with low service frequency, high level of physical durability, easy maintenance and adaptability to changes; ii) effective users-centered solutions responding to technical and non-technical requirements of energy efficiency and public interest including public space amenity, security, mobility, and other sustainable values. He has experience in collaborative research projects regarding architectural design and sustainability.
Research work
Works to the development of knowledge and methodologies for the sustainability of the built environment. His approach is based on the integration of sustainability principles and environmental parameters as well as sociocultural and economic aspects in spatial planning, urban design and architectural projects. This interdisciplinary approach facilitates novel and dynamic collaboration between architects and engineers at the interface of design and technology. Also have work in housing programs; rehabilitation and regeneration of informal areas in development countries. His previous work cover sustainable urban planning and energy efficiency in urban planning and architecture Design.